Month: November 2007

  • Pulling the wings off flies? To put them on frogs, of course!


    The rare parakeet frog


    Flutterfly frog.

    Can you tell its a slow night?

    At least I’M having fun…

    What are you doing?

  • I’m sorry that I missed some of you yesterday. I was trying to be a vandal and still have a half way productive day. I have created a bearded lady album in my photoblog if any of you ever want to look at your picture as a reminder to pay your waxing bill or take your estrogen.

    I will have to keep adding to it, so just because I didn’t get you yesterday, don’t think your safe, I could pounce at any time… or not. You just never know.

    Thank you all for your answers on my FENCESITTER POST. they were all incredibly interesting to read. There are two that said things that struck me. The first came from Ben1972.

    He stated that he believed these kinds of issues to be distractions. whether put out by the candidate himself or the media. They allow him to set himself aside without having to deal with such issues as global warming, health care, an exit strategy for Iraq…

    I think it  allows me the politics hater to avoid thinking about those things too… So I am going to snap out of it, and just ignore the symbol thing.

    The second came from prairiecowboy who gave great advice.

    If your going to travel with a herd, at least consider drinking upstream!

    I knew he was a smart guy.

    So this fence sitter takes away more then just a few splinters today.

    I will try to pay attention to the whole picture. It is not one act that define a person but a group of many. The fruits of the tree as it were… I guess I will start paying more attention.

    Thanks you guys!




  • Sometimes its lonely being the only bearded lady on Xanga…

    So I am giving everyone facial hair!!!

    It has begun… beware… if I can find your picture… you will sprout HAIR!

    bearded diviant copy bearded jill copy

    bearded Beth

    MUAHAHAA… *cough cough hack*

    bearded lily bearded becky

    beardedshirlann beardedkaren

    beardedmeezer beardedtheologian

    bearded bluebek beardedauntlada

    sassy and honey copy

    bearded carol beardedquell

    beardedKathi beardedbelligirl

    Ok… my rampant vandalism of the Xanga female population has come to an end.

    I feel that I have feathered enough beautiful faces for the time being.

    In my eyes you are all MORE beautiful for your plumage.




    You all know that I am a fence sitter, so it should be no surprise to you that I affiliate myself with no political party and in fact avoid political discussion as much as I can. This is easier said then done, my sister and husband both enjoy rabid discussion of all  political subjects and are often on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to issues.

    SO I try not to let them infect my opinion and will read bits and pieces from the news, examine how I feel about something and then make my vote.

    Something I saw recently  bothers me though, it is a small thing, and may not be of much importance, but it struck me and I would like your opinions.

    Political candidates from all over wear the symbol of their country, their patriotism as it were, on their sleeve,  their lapels and often around their necks. In the guise of cuff links, pins and ties.

    This is nothing new, it is an advertisement of who they are and represent or want to represent. If you look at many of the candidates campaigning now for a nomination you will catch tiny glimpses of these things. Except for one, one person doesn’t do this. He doesn’t wear a flag, he won’t.

    It bothers me.

    Perhaps too much is put into symbols and what they represent, we all know the meanings can change so rapidly. Look at the swastika, confederate flag, pentagrams and  pink triangles!

    But something as simple and stream line in its meaning as the flag of the country you claim to want to represent, to be proud of, to stand for.

    Should it bother me that he refuses to wear a symbol?


  • Do you ever just feel like an idiot?

    No? Oh well… me either.

  • Xanga…  What makes Xanga so wonderful?

    The blogs- sometimes thought provoking, sometimes full of fluff and air. Sharing the bits and pieces of others lives, tiny windows into worlds we may never have seen without Xanga.

    The people who write the blogs- us of course, the users and addicts of the Xanga world.

    Then there are the people who keep Xanga running the Xanga team!

    If I have ever had problems I contact one of them and then in a quick and always kind manner they fix it. For example If I should say… upload my pictures with the wrong date on them… they fix my photo album for me without… calling me an idiot.   (Thanks Janet. )

    Recently John  did a post on featured content and the responses front page featured receive. In the comment section I asked if I could choose some of the featured pictures and BAM! Just like that I have a message from Natalia saying go for it!

    So Xanga let me pick some front page photos!  Ask and you shall receive!

    Thank you guys for letting me have fun and thank you for making Xanga such a wonderful place to share thoughts and to make GREAT friends of which I am blessed with many.

    The pictures I chose will be appearing on the front page soon… One just went up today. It is of course Seedsower’s who is one of my all time favorite photographers.

    Hope you guys like what I have picked so far.

    Oh and if you should stumble across one of the Xanga team. Let them know that you appreciate them, they are special.


    YES! Vainglorious person that I am I put up one of my own pictures… I just thought he would make a good one… WELL! doesn’t he?!

  • “Just how does one become a girl like you?”

    “ Lucky I guess.”

    What is your favorite line from a movie?

  • Today I am pondering the year. I managed to achieve my resolutions.

    Which were…

    1.) This year I will avoid setting myself on fire.

    2.) This year I will not shoot, cut or maim myself or someone else, in any way intentionally… Hey accidents happen.

    I guess technically I still have a month to try and make sure these things don’t happen but I’m sure I can make it.

    I’m not sure I achieved anything off of my life list this year though.

    • I tried teaching myself the piano. I didn’t get very far, so I will have to reexamine how to go about that.
    • There was almost no traveling to speak of other then locally, but that isn’t a bad thing. The traveling will be there and eventually I will get to it.
    •  I started selling my glass work and photographs and have plans to expand on that.
    •  I think I have done good so far and on top of it all, the kids are all still alive and kicking. At least they haven’t done any permanent damage to each other.

    So I guess I did manage a couple off the life list. Not bad.

    All in all it hasn’t been a horrible year. I will be happy for the good things and for surviving all of the bad things.

    How was your year?


  • thanksgiving geocaching 021.jpg


    Or yesterday you could have defined it as

    CRAZY people wading through the snow.

    My little sister is almost to her 1000th cache.

    So naturally if I wanted to spend time with her that is what I was doing.

    She knows I like it.

    thanksgiving geocaching 037.jpg

    This is what the Bay looked like when we set out yesterday.

    It did clear up eventually and was beautiful.

    Part of the reason I enjoy geocaching with D  so much is because I love going for drives.

    When we were younger we would load up the car and just drive.

    We didn’t always go anywhere, sometimes we just traveled back roads.

    We were never in a hurry and if we saw something interesting we would stop.

    I saw so many enjoyable things that way and learned so much.

    I miss that.

    It seems most travel I do these days is from point A to point B.

    What’s your favorite way to travel?

  • Geocaching… in the snow… should be interesting.

    Of course I will have pictures. They may be icky and uninspired pictures, but I’m trying!

    Oh… I now have the newest version of PhotoShop… because I am a spoiled brat.


    Winter milk pods.jpg



    Fish town.jpg



    winter path.jpg



    thanksgiving geocaching 052.jpg



    thanksgiving geocaching 061.jpg



    thanksgiving geocaching 078.jpg



    snowy tree line.jpg

    It was a good day.