Month: April 2006

  • heavy thinking

    The choices we make dictate the life we lead.  {line from some Danny Devito movie I don’t remember much about the movie but this}

    I look at my life and choices and I’m happy with most of them. I love my Husband and kids. I like where I live and the house I live in. I even like the stupid dog that was a poor choice but one I’m now used to living wiith.

     The things I find lacking are always me things. I need to finish my degree… I need to do more art and glass work… I need to harp at my children more about say, brushing their teeth. {After all their young if they can get away with not doing it they will.}

    You get out of it what you put into it…  I have no idea who said this but it’s been around.

    The thing I need to remember is it’s never too late, there’s always time to do the things I need to do for myself and some more cliche’s There’s no time like the present  and There’s always tomorrow.

    I know those last two are contradictory but I’m trying to say I can start at anytime. Maybe now isn’t the time for certain things. So I have to tell myself I’m choosing not to do them, But that doesn’t mean I can’t do them in the future. Of course there should always be time for the things I enjoy and I need to put some effort into making time to do them, I’m doing a disservice to my children by not doing them, after all they need to see Mommy living a life and not just servicing theirs.

    Okay blah blah blah   I know in to deep.  Life is good.

  • reprecusions

    Yes,she did have a nightmare but it was about snakes. Today when her brother was getting ready for school  Isabelle came up to me and said “Mom your bad. I keep checking for holes.” It took me a minute to realize that she was talking about gills.

    She had a safe trip to Grand Rapids. Ben, Cooper, Charlie, and I went to a rugby game. The fact that Charlie was so into it is a little worrying but boys will be boys. If Isabelle had been there she would have been into it too. hmmm… Can we say tom boy.

    I also made Ben take Charlie to the geocache in The Walmart parking lot. Charlie loved it, Ben complained but he couldn’t fool me, he had fun too.

    Coopers napping and Isabelle is bugging me because she wants to use the computer she definitely didn’t inherit my techno-no gene thank goodness.  Ta Ta

  • scarring my child for life…someone’s got to do it.

    Tonight after bedtime, my daughter came into the sunroom where I was sitting and we had a conversation it went like this…

    Iz:”What happens if you eat fish food?”

    Me: ”Oh it’s bad to eat fish food. Bad things happen.” Said in a very grave voice.

    Iz: “Mom…What will happen?” small giggle.

    Me: “Oh Isabelle, You didn’t eat fish food did you. Oh no tell me you didn’t !That’s bad.” great concern and worry eyes starting to water from trying not to laugh.

    Iz: “Mom..Really what…” Cut off as I grab her and start searching behind her ears and through her hair.

    Me: “Oh no! The gills are starting to form and I see scales on your neck… Why Iz. maybe we should get your stomach pumped this is serious.”

    Iz: “Really what’s going to happen…mom…” at this point the phone rings just as I notice a tear starting to run down her face. I can no longer contain myself and start laughing my own tears running down my face. I was laughing so hard I could barely reassure her  that I wasn’t serious Then I had to deal with the phone call while my daughter glared at me and sniffled back tears.  Several times while I tucked her in I had to reassure her that eating fish food wouldn’t do anything but possibly give her a belly ache and that the next time she wondered what something would do she should ask before she ate it.  My poor girl, I’ll let you know if we make it through the night without any nightmares.

    Will she forgive me when she grows up?

  • a day off

    i’ve been sick so Ben gave me a little bit of a break today. I took several long naps and did nothing. But now that it’s 11:00 at night I’m sick of being in bed. What to do what to do.